Material requirements

Text format: Microsoft Word (*.doc, *.docx).

Orientation: portrait.

Page numbering: none.

Margins (top, bottom, left, right): 2 cm.

Font: Times New Roman, size 14.

Line spacing: one and a half.

The volume of abstracts: up to 7 pages.

Originality of the text: at least 70%.

Preparation of abstracts

  • title of the abstract (capital letters, bold, centre alignment);
  • Full name of the author(s) (lowercase letters, bold, right alignment);
  • academic degree, academic title, position (right alignment);
  • place of work (study) in the nominative case (right alignment);
  • !Be sure to include e-mail addresses of all authors;

IMPORTANT! If the authors have the same status, a common place of work (study), the formatting is carried out in accordance with the Sample of abstract formatting, separating each author with a comma;

  • through the line – the main text of the abstract (size 14, line spacing – 1.5, paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm, width alignment). The following sections should be highlighted in the main text:
  • Introduction.
  • Aim.
  • Materials and methods.
  • Results and discussion.
  • Conclusions.
  • Notes on the pages of the abstract are prohibited.

Drawings: Any graphic material (drawing, diagram, chart, figure) is labelled “Figure” and numbered with Arabic numerals. The designation is placed below the figure on the next line in the centre and is in bold.


Fig. 1. Drawing title

The figure is separated from the text by a blank line at the top and bottom. All figures in the text should be referenced (Fig. 1).

Tables: Tables are labelled with the word “Table” and numbered with Arabic numerals. The designation and the table number (without a dot) are aligned to the right, the table title is on the next line, in the centre. They are marked in bold.


Table 1

Table name